Færsluflokkur: Bloggar


Í íslensku höfum við verið að vinna í bókagagnrýni. Ég skrifaði um bók sem heitir Leynilöggan Svanur sem er eftir Sören Olsson og Anders Jakobsson. mér fannst þetta vera leiðinlegt verkefni út af því að þetta var heimanám. ég lærði ekki mikið nema hvernig maður skrifar í tímarit og ég lærði líka að höfundarni eru frændur.

Hér er mitt verkefni 


In English we were making a project about animals. This was a group project. our group choose to tell about a kangaroo but i wanted something else. after the project was finished we had to present it to the class. we found information on wikipedia and put all the text in word and after that we put all the text in glogster and we also put videos and a few pictures. this was fun and it went really well but i didint learn anything but my group learned alot f.x they learned that kangaroos are good at boxing and that in one group of are about 100 kangaroos. When we were presenting we asked th audience some questions and i think that went really well.

 Here is my groups project.



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